How To Attach Foam Board Insulation to Metal Roof – Step By Step Guide

A metal roof offers many benefits, including durability and longevity, but it can also present challenges when it comes to insulation. If you want to enhance the energy efficiency and comfort of your space, attaching foam board insulation to your metal roof is an excellent solution. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through the process, step by step, to ensure a successful installation that keeps your interior comfortable year-round. Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or a seasoned contractor, this guide provides valuable insights into attaching foam board insulation to your metal roof.

Gather Your Materials and Tools

Before you begin the installation, it’s essential to gather the necessary materials and tools:

  • Foam Board Insulation: Choose the type of foam board insulation that suits your climate and intended purpose. Common options include expanded polystyrene (EPS) and extruded polystyrene (XPS).


  • Adhesive: Select an adhesive that is suitable for foam board insulation and compatible with your metal roof. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for the adhesive you choose.


  • Cutting Tools: You’ll need a utility knife or saw for cutting the insulation panels accurately.


  • Measuring Tools: A measuring tape and straightedge are essential for measuring and marking the insulation panels.


  • Fasteners: Screws and washers (optional) for additional support when securing the panels to the roof.


  • Screwdriver or Drill: For attaching the panels with screws and washers, if desired.


  • Caulk Gun: If you’re using adhesive in tubes, a caulk gun makes the application easier.


  • Safety Equipment: Gloves, eye protection, and a mask are essential for your safety, especially when cutting insulation.

Measure and Cut the Insulation Panels

Measure the dimensions of your metal roof and mark the foam board insulation panels for cutting. Use a utility knife or saw to make precise cuts. Accurate measurements and cuts are crucial to ensure the panels fit snugly against the roof.

Apply Adhesive

Apply adhesive to the back of each foam board insulation panel. Ensure the adhesive you choose is suitable for foam board insulation and is compatible with your metal roof. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the specific adhesive you select.

Position and Secure the Panels

Carefully position the adhesive-coated side of the foam board insulation against the metal roof. Press the panel firmly to ensure a secure bond. You may need to hold the panel in place briefly while the adhesive sets.

Optional: Secure with Screws

For added stability and to prevent shifting, you can use screws and washers. Drill holes through the foam board insulation into the metal roof and attach the panels with screws and washers. Be cautious not to overtighten the screws to prevent damage to the insulation or the roof.

Seal the Edges

To create a watertight seal and protect against moisture infiltration, seal the edges of the insulation panels with an appropriate sealant. This step is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your roof and insulation. Proper sealing is essential to prevent heat or cold air from escaping and to protect the metal roof.

Safety Precautions:

When working with foam board insulation, remember to wear the appropriate safety gear, including gloves, eye protection, and a mask when cutting the insulation. If you’re working at heights, follow safety guidelines for elevated work to ensure your safety.


Attaching foam board insulation to your metal roof is a practical way to enhance energy efficiency and maintain a comfortable interior. By following these steps and using the right materials, you can effectively insulate your metal roof. It’s essential to select the appropriate type of insulation for your specific climate and needs, ensuring that your space remains cozy in winter and cool in summer. This step-by-step guide empowers you to take control of your building’s insulation, saving on energy costs and contributing to a more comfortable environment all year long.